Year-Round, Dual-Purpose Sweepers

Canadian town leverages regenerative air sweeper for year-round road maintenance and catch basin cleaning.

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*This content is sponsored by Schwarze Industries, LLC*

Discover how the town of Okotoks in Alberta, Canada, revolutionized its approach to maintaining clean waterways and efficient urban infrastructure with the innovative use of a Schwarze Industries A7 Tornado regenerative air street sweeper. This dual-purpose marvel not only enhances street cleanliness but also plays a crucial role in catch basin maintenance, ensuring the protection of the critical Sheep River watershed.

  • Dual-Functionality: The A7 Tornado's versatility in street sweeping and catch basin cleaning showcases a significant leap in municipal service efficiency.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Learn how Okotoks leverages this technology to safeguard its natural water sources, reflecting a commitment to sustainability and community health.

Dive into the full report for a comprehensive exploration of this groundbreaking approach to urban maintenance and environmental protection. 

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