The Concrete Contractor’s Playbook for Digital Layouts

How High-Accuracy Digital Layout Solutions Helps Concrete Contractors Realize Immediate Productivity Gains and Cost Savings

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Concrete construction contractors have many reasons to consider a move to digital layout. Speed, accuracy and layout versatility are often cited as the biggest motivators.

However, the real rationale for the shift may pivot on a single word: payback.

Today, virtually every corner of the construction industry is changing. The rise of digital-based processes, including building information modeling (BIM), isn’t going away. Providing owners, developers, general contractors and allied trades with the kind of speed, precision and error-free confidence they expect in concrete forms placement leans heavily on digital compliance.

What’s the return on investment? What kind of reward can you expect for gains in layout speed, accuracy and versatility? Concrete contractors are discovering a variety of answers.

This playbook may help as you investigate digital options.

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