Miller Formless Co.

Mc Henry, IL

Company Information
Years in business: Since: 1970
Number of employees: 11-50
Miller Formless was founded in 1970 as a leading provider of mid-sized automated paving systems and other products. Located in McHenry, Illinois, the company operates out of an 80,000+ square foot manufacturing facility and continues to provide the same quality product and service it pioneered in the 1960’s. Its machines are currently in use throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Central America, Asia, and Australia.
1805 Dot Street
Mc Henry, IL
Phone:(815) 385-7700
Toll Free:(800) 435-6150
Fax:(815) 385-2494
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1805 Dot Street
Mc Henry, IL
Phone:(815) 385-7700
Toll Free:(800) 435-6150
Fax:(815) 385-2494
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