Bergkamp Offers Pothole Patcher Rental Program

Bergkamp SP5 Spray Injection Patcher
Bergkamp SP5 Spray Injection Patcher

Bergkamp Inc., Salina, KS, recently announced its Pothole Patcher Rental Program, which allows public works departments to quickly bring a FP5 Flameless Pothole Patcher or an SP5 Spray Injection Pothole Patcher into their fleets.

With immediate availability of late-model, low-hour equipment and competitive rental rates, agencies are not required to wait for capital expense budgets and approvals to begin providing permanent pothole patches in their areas. Bergkamp reports it is the only patcher manufacturer in the United States to offer such a rental program.

“The new Pothole Patcher Rental Program offers rental terms to fit agencies’ needs, including long- and short-term rentals and a rental purchase option,” said Todd Bigler, government sales manager for Bergkamp. “It’s a great way for agencies to gain a late-model pothole patching unit, without having to go through the months-long purchase cycle – especially this time of year, when they are working hard to catch up on winter’s freeze-thaw damage to their streets and roads.”

Agencies interested in renting either an SP5 or an FP5 pothole patcher should contact Todd Bigler at [email protected], or call 785-829-1354. 

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